galentine's style | she is spirited

by - February 10, 2021

Ready for Galentine's weekend in the She Is Spirited "what - like it's hard" t-shirt from their Elle Woods Collection

I've never been big into valentine's day, but galentine's is something I absolutely love and look forward to celebrating with friends every year! Do you celebrate galentine's? There's just something about getting together with your best girl friends and eating snacks - chocolate charcuterie board anyone? - playing games, snapping photos, and watching girly movies. 


This year I've been trying to have an Elle Woods attitude and live life in a more confident manner. For so long I have found myself holding back, waiting on things that God has placed in front of me, with fear of not being good enough, collapsing under the pressure. 

But that's the thing - God doesn't call us to things expecting us to be fully prepared and ready and have the outcome all figured up in our own heads. He calls the unqualified, the ones who have no idea what we're doing, to these big things that often feel way over our heads. He leads us to these things not dependent on our own strength but fully leaning on Him. 

Elle Woods didn't have the first clue about law school, and I like to think God called her to it for a greater purpose. Not to get a boyfriend back, even if that may have been the initial reason, but to show that even those least qualified can do it. 

If you feel that tug on your heart, God pulling you to something, and you think "but God, I'm not ready, not good enough, not this or that..." remember that if He can use a sorority girl to succeed in law school, then He can use you too. I know Legally Blonde isn't a real life movie, but it's such a good example of how God can work in each of our lives in ways we didn't even imagine. 

So follow that calling, whatever it may be. And know that with Him, you can do it too. ♡

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 
Philippians 4:13

I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears. 
Psalms 34:4

Have courage! Get up! He is calling you. 
Mark 10:49

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This post contains a gifted collab, but all opinions are my own. 
Also may contain affiliate links in the shop the look portion, which means that I may receive a commission if you make a purchase using these links. 

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