natural beauty

by - August 14, 2020


5 months ago I didn’t think I could feel pretty again without lashes. For years I thought I had to apply perfect makeup, do my hair, wear heels and outfits just to feel good about myself.It’s crazy the impact these things can have on us. 

For over 3 years, I damaged my natural lashes by applying the fake ones with rarely any breaks in between. I struggled the first few weeks after deciding to take them off, didn’t feel like myself at all, didn’t feel pretty anymore.

But as time went on, I saw my natural lashes begin to grow on their own. And then I started applying Circe Beauty lash serum every night, and I couldn’t believe not only how much my lashes were growing again but how healthy they felt for the first time in years.

Any chance I've had, I have been walking up to family and friends, eyes wide, saying "look at my lashes! Aren't they so much longer?" It's something 5 months ago I didn't think I would be so giddy about now, but here I am, and I couldn't feel more proud. 

these are the results so far!

During this same time frame, I also started a new skincare routine using ESK Skincare! I've never really known where to start with skincare - just used products here and there that I pick up from the store. There are so many different steps and products in other people's routines that I always felt intimidated by it. But then ESK made it so easy for me by having me fill out a quiz about my skin type and then putting together a kit tailored to my specific skin concerns. 

Believe me when I say I didn't even have to think twice about what to use or trying different things. They knew exactly what I needed and sent everything, including descriptions of each product and how/when to use them! 

I have stuck with this routine every morning and night, and my skin has honestly never felt better. I didn't know the difference until now that it makes to use a cleanser that works and moisturizer along with a zinc shade to protect my face. I also added a face serum by Bare Minerals to my night routine for an evening moisturizer step and love how all of these work together so well!  

Now I can walk around without any makeup at all and look in the mirror and feel more like myself than I have in a long time. You see, I think we buy into all of these things to make us feel prettier that we forget the natural beauty within us.

It’s not the harm in the makeup or the hairstyles or beauty routines, but in how over time we look to those things so much that we lose ourselves in them.

This year was needed to make this change in me - to point me back towards feeling like myself again.

And I am so thankful for brands like these that help me feel like my best self naturally. ♡

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