neutral Florida winter outfit - Going to CA Twice in One Week!

by - February 23, 2020

As the title of this post has been happening really quickly recently!

For a quick backstory - I've had a trip to California planned for over a month now with some family to visit Sacramento, Napa, Tahoe, and another wine/vineyard place that I can never seem to remember the name of! The plans for it were already in motion when my aunt and cousin asked if my sister and I would like to join, so we said yes and can't wait!

Then this past weekend, I was going about my normal routine, having a Sunday of church and errands with my mom, when I received a message on Instagram from a brand that I collaborated with back in October/November. In the message, they said they wanted to fly me out to LA the beginning of next week for an influencer photo shoot for their website, social media, and marketing. How cool, right?! There were concerns though. I thought it could have been too good to be true, went back and forth between if I should take the opportunity or not.

I asked God that if it was the right door to allow everything to work out and if it wasn't then to close the door and not let me continue with the idea of it. Then everywhere I turned, there was something backing it up. The Bible that I keep open on my bed was flipped to Psalm 46, where I had previously underlined verses 1-2 (God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear) and 5 (God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.)

One of my friends confirmed going as my manager to help with social media and for safety reasons - I've never been to California, so was not going to go on this trip alone. There was still some hesitancy with whether or not it was a good idea with the other trip just a few days after. But as I continued to coordinate with the brand, it was all working out with nothing in its way. So after much thought and back and forth, I decided to go for it.

It's an opportunity that I may not have again and something I needed to take hold of in order to release the control that fear has had on my life for so long. Because if I'm being honest, the biggest reason I would not have taken that flight is because of fear. Fear of the unknown, safety, leaving my comfort zone, worry about what others would think if I did or didn't do it. A lot of factors went into it, but at the end of the day, God was speaking to my heart, telling me to go and take this opportunity that only He could have given me.

There is honestly no way I could have done this all myself, and when I talk about things working out like this, it's no honor or glory to me but all to Him. He is the one who writes out all of the bigger and better plans for my life. And I am beyond excited to say yes to this opportunity and adventure in my life.

Something I've been struggling with lately is the feeling and fear of being stuck. I'm not one to settle for anything less than what I want for my life, so when I start to feel like something is holding me back, I fear the getting stuck part. The past few months I have been on the job search, in need of something that pays some income while the blog and styling continues to grow. And it's overwhelming, frustrating, I often ended up crying because there either weren't any good matches or the ones I thought aligned perfectly didn't want to take the chance on me.

And looking back now, I am thankful that none of those worked out. Through all of the searching and crying out to God, I see now that God didn't want me to settle for just any job that would take away my focus and spark. It's a process that grows faith, and I have faith that He is guiding me to better things that I couldn't even have a one percent chance with on my own.

So while things don't always work out how I want them to, while I didn't get a perfect remote or in person job in styling that pays good money, I did get other opportunities that are even better for me. And when I start to feel stuck again, like I have even tonight, it's time to hit pause, take a minute to think about where I am, what I want, what God wants for me, and see that it's all temporary and nothing has to last forever but just long enough to learn, grow, and move to the next thing. ♡

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