4 Years of Blogging

by - January 30, 2020

Happy 4 years!!! Going on my 5th year of blogging, I wanted to take a post to reflect on the past four years of this blog. Sitting down to write this, I'm realizing that out of all of the endeavors I have pursued over the past few years, this blog is the only one I have stuck with. There were times that I didn't post a whole lot, still those times now, and times when I wondered if anyone was even reading or if I should stop posting. But despite the questions, the droughts and the pauses, my love for writing and for this blog has always pushed me through. It doesn't really matter if hundreds of people are reading or even just one. As long as I can write words that pour directly from my soul in a way that others can relate to while releasing the built up emotions from inside of me... as long as I can do that, I will continue with this blog.

4 years ago, I started this blog as an outlet to write. Honestly, I had no clue what I was doing with my life after finishing high school. Because of life and financial reasons, I couldn't go straight into college, so I had to take a break to figure some things out. It was over that year that I started following fashion and lifestyle bloggers like Barefoot Blonde. I thought if they could do it and have that way to write and post about things that matter, then why couldn't I? So after weeks and months of putting it off, I finally got the nerve to start a blog.

This has always been something bigger than just myself. God placed it on my heart, just like He sets words in my head that need that release. And so I write. When going through a difficult time, I write about it in a way that makes it feel better somehow. Over this journey of using this blog to write, something began to happen with my style. It grew with me, evolved and turned into the person that I am and how I want to represent myself. As I tell others, style hasn't always been my strong point. Anyone remember the days of highlighter skinny jeans and skater boy sneakers? I laugh as I remember, because even as some know me as the fashion girl now, it hasn't always been that way.

Growing up as the shy kid, not many people really knew me or took the chance to. I didn't know how to present myself, and so I hid away a bit. It wasn't until I began to understand and accept who I am, while my personal style grew with me, that I felt confident enough to use style as a way of speaking for myself. While I used to be only known as the shy kid, now I can walk into a room and without even saying a word people know who I am as so much more. I have always wanted to be known as confident, stylish, kind, and caring. And while some only get half of that, because some still don't always take the chance to know me for me, I am still proud of the way that I can present myself and happy to be more than I once was.

As each day goes on, I see how much God has already played the largest factor in this blog and how He is still working through it. And because of that, I continue on in anticipation of what's to come.

So here's to 4 years, and hoping for many more! ♡

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
Jeremiah 29:11 

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14 

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