Feeling Pink And Things

by - September 11, 2019

Ok, ok....we all know it's no secret that pink is my favorite color since...ever. So you can imagine my excitement as I prepped for this all pink fashion party! The outfit had already been in my mind for a few months, just needed the right time and place to wear it...then voila, perfect setting.

The Fashion's Finest Get Pink party was such a great evening full of incredibly kind, supportive, and hard working people getting together to connect while lifting each other up. It reminded me that this is why I still have such a love for fashion and for blogging. Because at the end of the day, it's the people that matter. Without community I would be the loneliest homebody - which, some days I still am - so I am beyond thankful for opportunities like this to push past my comfort zone and get to know others with similar passions.


A comfort zone is a strange thing when you think about it. It's that safe little bubble we can't get enough of. A place that feels easy but can quickly become suffocating, especially for the creative person. I know that I personally love to stay within my comfort zone. While the thought of pushing outside of it is exciting, it terrifies me at the same time. But it's outside of that bubble that I truly grow and move forward.

I don't know about you, but I tend to get lost in my head pretty often. Most times I'll want to go talk to people, especially those that I don't know, but it's my mind that stops me, coming up with all the what-if's and "this is awkward" scenarios. I'm not sure why it's so easy to talk myself out of good things. But on nights like the Fashion's Finest pink party, when I push myself to not listen to my head and move forward instead, those are the nights I look back on most fondly.


I could have left early, not talked to anyone, given up. It's what my mind was telling me to do, if I'm being completely honest. But instead I downed my drink, gave myself an inner pep talk, said a quick prayer, and looked around the room for someone that wasn't already in conversation. One by one, I found myself walking up to people and starting awkwardly with "hi, I'm Katlin!" - which reminds me, I should probably work on my introductions to make them a little smoother. But what I found was the total opposite of what that inside feeling of fear was telling me. People, for the most part, responded in such a nice and positive way. They wanted to talk to others just as I did, and so conversations ensued, business cards and Instagrams exchanged, and connections were made.


What I've found is that it's okay to not be the most bubbly, outgoing person at the party. Sometimes, okay most times, I wish that I was. I want to be the person walking confidently up to others without fear, starting great conversations, laughing, having the best time. But right now that's not me. And it's okay. I'm still a great person, just someone that takes a little more time getting used to the feel of things. Maybe one day, after pushing the comfort zone aside, I'll become that confident person, but for now, I'm just me. And if you're in the same spot, just know that it's okay and you're not alone. We've all been there before. And we're all in this together. *cue high school musical dance*

But on a real note, I hope that something can be taken away from this. Even if it's just that with small motions forward, we can push past the barrier of our comfort zones and live the life that we were meant to have. People are just people, places just places, and things just things. And it's not so scary after all. Sometimes, it just takes some getting used to. And sometimes, it's not listening to the voice of fear but to the powerful and confident voice of God instead, that gets you through and takes you beyond your wildest dreams. Wishing that for all of you today. ♡

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Isaiah 41:10 

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3 

When anxiety was great within me, Your consolation brought me joy.
Psalm 94:19 

Shop the look 

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