je t'aime, je ne t'aime pas - valentine's outfit series

by - February 02, 2018

Despite what this post might lead you to believe, I am not very big on the whole "Valentine's Day" ordeal. Mostly because I've been a forever alone kinda girl for as long as I can remember - literally. I used to call it "Singles Awareness Day" because, well, as I recently heard - it's not v day, it's me day. *snaps fingers*

But with the day just around the corner, I do have to admit that I love dressing the part for it, as pink and burgundy are my all time favorite colors. So even though I may have an aversion to the holiday itself, there's no harm in dressing up just for the fun of it! Keep an eye out for more Valentine's inspired outfit posts - I'll be putting some together over the next couple of weeks. So whether you're like me and just want to dress nice for yourself, or you're blessed with a special someone to go out with, you'll have some cute styles to choose from! ♡

Also - I meant to wear burgundy lipstick with this outfit but actually forgot to bring it with me. So if you end up wearing something similar, a dark red lip color is the perfect way to top off the look!

My plans for the day will probably consist of eating a pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and crying to sappy/sad romance movies - anyone else just been in a crying mood lately? I think oftentimes the expectations that are placed on this one day just get to a lot of people, especially if you are alone and don't really have that hope of finding anyone anytime soon (I'm right there with ya).

There once was a time when I had that hope. And I still hear people all the time saying things like "I know my man is out there somewhere and hope that God brings my soul mate into my life soon." I used to think like that, a lot actually. But now it's just difficult to wrap my mind around the possibility of someone meant just for me out there. You know, you meet people and sometimes it just seems like this one person is the one you're supposed to be with. He has every quality you've ever wanted in a significant other. He's the standard to which you hold in a guy to be in a relationship with. And you're so sure. And that just makes it hard to think that there could be another person like that in the world. Let alone someone that you could even have a chance to meet again.

And so you pray and pray that if this is the person that God has intended for you that things will work out. You start to give yourself that false sense of hope. But with every step forward comes two steps back. And pretty soon, you have to face the reality that he might not actually be the one. And even more, the possibility that if things change, you might not see him again, or you'll leave and come back to find that he found someone better, while you're still alone.

As you can probably guess by now, I've been struggling to let this thing go, begging God to let something come of it. There's been highs and lows, points that it's actually brought me closer to God and points when it's just become a distraction. And that person still doesn't know. And part of me, just for humility's sake, hopes that stays the same.

I think that sometimes, we begin to want something so much that it gets in the way of wanting that closeness with God. Pretty soon priorities become skewed and it all just feels like one big mess. Whether it's wanting a relationship or a career or what have you. The things we ask for, they can't triumph that longing for a deeper relationship with our Father. Because once they do, the wait will only get harder and place a strain on your heart. It's a matter of refocusing our wants on the strongest, lasting relationship that we could ever have. It's taking our desires to Him but not allowing it to become stronger than our desire for Him.

Sometimes we only end up prolonging the wait that He has us in. He wants us to come to Him with open hearts and the longing to have what He wants for us. But we consistently have to keep Him as top priority, highest of highs, because that is where He belongs as our Creator and our Savior. Whatever else we may desire on this earth, it all falls short.

Maybe the wait for what you want isn't necessarily a "no." Maybe it's His way of turning your focus back to Him. It's Him saying "come back to Me, place your hopes in Me, and then will I bless you with what you've been asking for."

So have hope. I'm trying to remind myself of this as well. Keep your gaze fixed up high. Don't quit bringing your desires and questions to God. He will provide, at just the right place and just the right time. ♡

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. 
Proverbs 3:5-6

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. 
Proverbs 16:9

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts higher than your thoughts." 
Isaiah 55: 8-9

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