50 Under 50 Spring Easter Dresses

by - March 31, 2020

Spring has begun, and with Easter just around the corner, I rounded up the best dresses to shop on a budget! I know how difficult it can be to find just the right one at the right price. With so many pages to scroll through, it can make it easy to give up on searching, so I took the time to go through for you and pulled the prettiest spring styles all under $50, some from smaller online boutiques and others from my favorite online stores!

You can click on any of the images below to shop the options! 
(While these links do earn a small commission, I am sharing them not for the money but to help you shop.) 

Also keep scrolling for some of my favorite past Spring and Easter styles from the blog! 

While we may not be able to attend church services, gather with family, or host Easter events this year, we can still dress up. We can get up Easter morning, put ourselves together, stream a service to watch with those that we live with, video call family and friends, order fun activities to do at home, make a special brunch, and most of all we can still have hope.  And with everything being out of control right now, something as seemingly trivial as dressing up can make life feel at least just a little better.

With the whole world in the shape that it is, we tend to focus all of our efforts on what we can't do. And then we fall into this pit of despair. And we go day after day just living it out the same. And we lose our sense of hope.

But I think there's a light in this season that we might be missing. The very thing we celebrate this time of year... 3 days before the cause of our celebration today was looking a bit like the times we're in now, but actually even worse. The world had gone dark. Jesus was gone, his body in the grave. No one knew how to have hope.
Do you feel that today? 

Then just as He said, three days later, suddenly everything turned around. Jesus no longer in the grave, risen over death itself, restoring light, peace, and hope in our lives.

I think what we need to remember is that it's okay to have times when life just feels dark, where we can't see much of what's ahead. Because in those times, that is when we cling to the hope that He gave us those three days later. I can't give a time frame on when things will get better. But I can tell you that while it is dark, He is still here, still with you, and still making a way.

We spend so much of our time talking about what we'll do when we come out of this. But what about what we're doing while we are still in it? The midst of the storm may not be where we want to be, but it is shaping us so that when the light comes, we'll be ready.

What is that thing you've been putting off? What's tapping you on your shoulder asking for you to slow down and give it the attention it deserves? 

And when we come out of this, will you know peace? Will you have hope? Or will life still be the same as it was before? 

"I've seen you move, you move the mountains. And I believe, I'll see you do it again. You made a way when there was no way. And I believe, I'll see you do it again."

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. 
John 16:33 

We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in You.
Psalms 33:20-22 

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 

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