what loving yourself really means on this valentine's day

by - February 14, 2019

At the beginning of January, I told everyone that I would start on Valentine's content early. Well, today's the day, and here we are. It's kind of amusing how things work. But also amazing in its own way. I don't think its an accident or just a result of putting it off. I think that I needed time to work through things and understand what God was speaking to me.

So here's the words that I felt so honestly today that they just flowed out in such a simple way. On that note, I hope you've all had a lovely day. ♡

Do you ever have days when you wake up and you just feel whole?

Today truth has been knocking at my heart in such a profound way. I am complete, made whole by the One who created me, the One who saved me. I no longer feel the need to seek out someone else to fill a void or be my other half. Because I know now that I am whole on my own since the day that Jesus came in and completed who He made me to be.

On a day that often feels filled with sorrow and loneliness, please let this truth fill you too. A significant other will not complete you. Only the One who created you can do that. So take this day with a thankful heart, knowing that you can stand perfectly fine without having a crutch to hold you up.

Maybe in a year or two or five, just leave it to God's timing, someone will come into your life and you'll notice a difference. Because they won't complete you, they will compliment you. You will be whole with or without them. But they will show you your best self, challenging you to keep on growing and being exactly who you know yourself to be. They will love you for who you are, not what they want you to be. Just as Jesus does.

So that's my hope today. And the point of truth that has been pouring over my heart. I have finally come to the place where I can say that I am whole. I know who I am, and because I am exactly who God made me to be, I love every bit of me.

I think that in order to really love others, to see them for their best selves and not their insecurities, you've got to throw your own away and first love who you are. Love your flaws, for they make up a part of you that no one else can be. Know and accept who you are in Christ's eyes.

Only then can you love others as yourself. It doesn't mean being conceited or overconfident. No, that comes from a place of deep insecurity. Loving yourself gives you the understanding to see others through Christ, and the platform to extend complete love without any sort of limitations.

My hope is that you may see this as an encouragement today. You are loved. And you are perfectly you. Whether you believe it or not, Christ is waiting for you to see yourself through His eyes, so then you can see others the same way. Only then will you know that you too can be made whole.

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