skincare sampling

by - February 21, 2017

I recently received this skincare scrub sample in the mail from a sweet new friend, Amanda Smith, who works with Rodan + Fields. This is a micro-dermabrasion paste, or as I call it, an exfoliating scrub. It has a sweet, almost citrus kind of smell and feels light but hard enough to gently scrub my face clean. After washing it off, my face felt unbelievably smooth and refreshed, as it the scrub cleared up all of the makeup, oil, and imperfections. I have tried other exfoliating scrubs before, but this particular one bypasses them all!

Amanda is incredibly passionate about this company and greatly encourages community. I had heard about Rodan + Fields previously but never gave it too much thought. Amanda wanted to ensure that I knew the significant impact that this company has made on her life, not only through its high-quality products but with the connections she makes through it. She works with a team of loving, Christ-like people who support one another and build each other up. 

Community is essential in anyone's life, especially that of a believer. We need one another for fellowship and support. I definitely understand Amanda's sincerity about her enthusiasm for this aspect of her work. When we have other like-minded people involved in our lives, we become stronger, more loving people all around. Recently, I have been attending the college group at church to connect with other believers and further grow my faith. Though it has helped, I seem to have mistaken my initial reasoning for joining the group. If I don't stay around and talk to people, I tend to feel rather down on myself, as if I failed on a mission of some sort. As a result, I end up constantly reminding myself that it's okay if I only talked to one person or left shortly after it ended. Community is a great thing, until we place so much emphasis on it that we lose sight of the reason we wanted it in the first place. I intended to attend group functions with people my age, not just to make friends or connections, but to delve deeper into my faith in God which ultimately affects who I am as a person. My main mission in life is to have a firm relationship with God and allow my life to reflect that for others to see and want more for themselves as well. 

Meeting friends like Amanda is truly a special opportunity, as it opens doors to try new things - like this skincare scrub - and allows for the encounter of a community of loving, thoughtful people. One difference of those who work with Rodan + Fields I have found is that they care not only about their products but about the people that they come across, whether on social media or in real life. 
You can order this same skincare scrub here and look into Amanda's site here.
Amanda can be contacted at for product questions or inquiries on how to get involved in the company! 

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