What to Wear: Fashion Week Edition

by - September 10, 2017

Fashion Week is in full swing in New York! By now you've had time pick out some of your favorite runway looks so far and maybe even spot some new street style trends from fashion influencers on their way to the shows. One thing that most everyone, even those not in the fashion industry, knows about fashion week is that this is the time to dress to the nines and shine as much as you want! But what many people don't know is that you don't have to be in New York to go to fashion week.

If you live near a major city, search that city's name with fashion week, and you should be able to find out all of the information on when it is for your city and what events will be held this year. I look forward to Tampa Bay Fashion Week every year! It's usually a week or two after NYFW, and it's just a really fun time to go out and dress up. Last year rather than attending events, I volunteered backstage at the runway shows, which anyone in fashion should consider doing at least once for the experience!

This year I have been planning to catch the last half of New York Fashion Week, as it runs into the same week as my birthday. With the planning also comes outfit planning, so I thought it might be nice to showcase some of my favorite looks (originally for a shoot with Chelsea Images) to help you put together an outfit that you'll love!

Here are 3 simple yet chic outfits to wear to fashion week, wherever it may be.

Outfit 1 ✰

Outfit 2 ✰

Outfit 3 ✰

The planning to go to NYFW has been just a bit....stressful, to put it in one word. I could dream about visiting the city for the first time, surrounded by all the lights and fashion and glamour all day long, but when it comes down to the strategic planning of how to get there, where to stay, how to get around, what to eat, without spending a billion bucks, things just get a bit difficult.

I have to say, God has been a miraculous provider throughout this planning process. With every obstacle, He has provided, whether it has been with money or with people coming with me. But that isn't to say that it's not been just really tough. It often feels as though everything is against me going on this trip. And I am especially feeling that as this massive hurricane makes its way to my city.

We have no idea what is going to happen, where it's going to hit, or even how bad it will be. I don't know if the flight will be possible or not, which has really put this trip at a standstill. And it's frustrating, definitely frustrating. This was supposed to be the week that I finished up last minute plans, put together a definite itinerary, bought the rest of my shopping materials for the trip...but instead, all I have been able to focus on and prepare for is this hurricane.

All I know is that I don't know. And the only one who does know is God. And I just have to believe at this point especially that He is watching over me, keeping me out of harm's way, and rooting for me. Whether this trip happens or not, I know that I have a God who is for me and who always provides, whatever it is that I may need. So right now all I really can do is wait and trust that He is for me, not against me. He's got this. Fear get out of here, for I have a mighty God who is stronger.

The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? 
Psalm 118:6

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