white it off - with Smile Brilliant

by - January 02, 2017

I am so excited to finally share the results of my collaboration with Smile Brilliant! I've been a bit on the down-low during the testing period to figure out how to use the product for the best results. And I have to tell you, it's no joke how much whiter my teeth are now compared to just before I began whitening.
Just look for yourself -

Many people don't know how much I have always struggled with insecurity over my smile. This is the main reason you'll hardly ever catch me smiling with teeth in a photograph. I've never had white teeth - blame it on genetics - and as I grow older, more things have factored into that. Coffee stained teeth is just one more thing to add to my dilemma. I always thought that I had sensitive teeth and was therefore hesitant to try any kind of teeth whitener. That is, until one day a member of Smile Brilliant, a company that provides professional teeth whitening, reached out. The product that it offers is similar to dentist teeth whitening but trades in the hassle and big bucks for an even better, at home option.

When I received the box of goodies, I first had to create my teeth impressions that would later be used to make the teeth whitening tray. The box included molds that I mixed together and spread into the blue trays. I then pressed my teeth into this to form the impression. Once finished, I slipped my impressions into an already stamped and addressed envelope, and off it went back to the lab. The trays took no time at all, and before I knew it they were waiting in my mailbox. I then began the process of whitening teeth at home. Usually I wait until night, because it's suggested to not eat or drink for about 3 hours after whitening.
While I finish up writing posts or working on internship tasks, I whiten my teeth!

The box came with syringes of desensitizing gel along with whitening gel. I started out at the minimum amount of time, just to ensure that this wouldn't cause any damage or sensitivity. I'll add a strip of whitening gel to the trays and let that sit on my teeth for a minimum of 30-45 minutes. Then I remove that, clean off the trays and add the desensitizing gel. I usually leave this on for about 15 minutes. You can reverse the process, as I have tried, but it is best to desensitize after whitening, for it can slow down the whitening process if done before. This is just as simple as it sounds, and hasn't caused irritation or problems. Occasionally I'll feel some sensitivity the next day when I eat/drink something cold or hot, but aside from that it has been a great product to test out, making it the perfect teeth whitening option - one that works too!
It's okay to have questions - I had plenty before I started whitening - so here's a link for 7 Things to Know Before Buying Teeth Whitening. This answers many important questions that you may have.

If you're not a big reader, here's a video that another person created on the teeth whitening process.

Enter the giveaway here to win your own set!
Or for 5% off, use my coupon code: ahappyblur5

Whitening teeth is a great step to take with the new year. You always hear people saying things like, "new year, new me."
This product definitely makes you feel like a new you, so there couldn't be a better time to test it out.
"White it off" is a spin on the phrase of writing off the year. As we start a new period of time, we learn to let the past be past and look forward to the brighter path ahead. And when you "white it off," you can leave your stained teeth behind and see shiny white pearls every time you look up. 
I had been feeling a little down in the dumps and frustrated over not being able to find the time to do photo shoots for the blog. One night I decided to just do the photos myself. So I turned on the camera, set up a timer, and smiled like I was having the time of my life. Sure enough, I began to really feel like that. So if you ever start to feel as though you can't put on a genuine smile, just try this. It may feel silly, but that's how you'll know it's working!
Pretty soon, you'll have this feeling of pure joy, all from a bit of smiling.

I wish you all the best with the new year and your whitening endeavors.

Oh, and one last thing -

Smile Fearlessly.
Smile Brilliant.

Professional Teeth Whitening

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  1. Hey girl! Love this post. I'm posting mine tonight if you get the chance to read it and let me know what you think!

    - Emily xo | www.thelittlechronicles.com
