'get ready with me' vlog - gilmore girls style

by - October 10, 2016

I know what you're thinking - this is way different than my usual posts.
Different photo set-up and a video?! Don't worry, I'm not going youtuber status on y'all. Just trying out something new that I thought would be fun. Photographs and writing are still my go-to.
But anyways, I've recently started watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix. Yes, I'm about 16 years late to the game, but I'm here aren't I?
It has become one of my favorite shows, and I can't wait to watch it all the way through in time for the series revival coming to Netflix November 25th (!!!!).

Netflix hosted a "Luke's Diner" event at various coffee shops across America, so this was a perfect opportunity to get my gilmore style on and capture it for you!

I could critique myself to no end on this video, but I hope that it's not too unbearable to watch.
Something that I wish to pick up from the Gilmore girls is their confidence (oh and their wittiness, of course).
Rather than picking out every little - or big - flaw, I want to do things without worrying about how I might look or what others may think. Life is too short, and there are too many opportunities that I no longer want to miss out on, no matter how silly I may look. Whether it's acting like characters in a television show just for the fun of it, or awkwardly talking to a camera and filming it three times because I couldn't get my wording right, or taking small steps like singing softly along to worship songs while surrounded by other people. Shouldn't we be doing all that we can, while we can?
I heard a message recently about how we believe lies after hearing them often. And I think that is often the main cause of lack of confidence in most. We're told these things like "you're too quiet" and "nobody likes you" and "you're not going anywhere in life" and then we start to believe that these are accurate representations of who are are, when rather they are far from it. Because, really all these words are, are mindless lies intended to hurt us. They are not us.
We are who we choose to be. If I want to be confident, that is a choice that I have to consciously make and then follow through with. It will be a process, full of steps to work up to the point of being a confident individual. And for now, as I strive for that, I must first accept who I am aside from what others may say.
I'll keep this post on the shorter side, because it includes a video.
But, what I want to convey is that we can all be the best versions of ourselves that we have always imagined becoming. That may be different than who we are now, because it takes time and effort to grow into our better selves. But what I want you to know, is that the person others say you are is not you at all. Sometimes it may be a temporary reflection of you from their eyes, but most often it's the insecurity-driven thoughts of the other person's self. Intentional insults come from people who lack the confidence to be their better selves, resulting in the need to put a halt to the growth of others.
But we can't let that stop us or even slow us down.
We must continue to work towards the confidence that we've always longed for.

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